lunes, 30 de julio de 2018

Verbs  whit stative and dynamic uses

Stative verbs
Los verbos estativos tienen una duración indefinida. ellos denotan estados en lugar de acciones.
Ejemplos de estativos son:

No puedes decir:

I am knowing the truth.
I am liking pizza.
It is sounding like a great idea.

Pero debes decir:

I know the truth.
I like pizza.
It sounds like a great idea.

Dynamic verbs

A diferencia de un verbo estático, un verbo dinámico (o acción) muestra una acción continua o progresiva por parte del sujeto.

Los ejemplos de verbos dinámicos (verbos dinámicos) son:

Estos verbos se pueden usar tanto en formas simples como continuas.

Look at her! She is acting foolishly.

She acts as a teacher in this movie.
The company is targeting young customers with this new product.

We targeted a new market with that product.
Dynamic and stative
Some verbs can be both action verbs and dynamic verbs depending on their meaning:

1. Be

be = it is usually used as a stative verb - stative
He's an excellent guitarist.
be = when it means behave or act, it can be used as a an action verb in the continuous form. - dynamic
You are being silly.

2. Think

think = to express an opinion, to believe - stative
I think it's a fantastic idea.
think = consider, to reason about or reflect on, ponder, to have or formulate in the mind - dynamic
I am thinking about my friend

3. Have

have = to possess, to own - stative
He has a beautiful car
have = when it doesn't mean own or possess - dynamic
He's having lunch.

4. See

see = to perceive with the eye, to understand - stative
I see what you mean.
see = to meet, to be in the company of, to escort, to attend - dynamic
He's been seeing the same woman for eight years.


Repeated comparatives 

 Todos ellos se utilizan para describir acciones y cosas que están aumentando o disminuyendo. 


Para indicar que algo está aumentando, podemos aplicar dos estructuras: er y er / más y más.
a)  er  AND  er
Para formar esta estructura, debemos agregar "er" al adjetivo para formar un adjetivo comparativo. Se usa con adjetivos y adverbios cortos; tales como, más y más, más y más.
She is getting closer and closer of her mother.

By the end of the twentieth century, couples were waiting longer and longer to marry.

b) more  AND  more

Podemos usar esta estructura con adjetivos largos o adverbios; por ejemplo, cada vez más difícil, más y más lento.
It’s becoming more and more difficult.

He is going more and more slowly.


Para indicar que algo está disminuyendo, podemos usar las siguientes estructuras: cada vez menos, menos y menos.
a) fewer AND fewer
Se usa con sustantivos y adjetivos innumerables.
Fewer and fewer children are leaving school.

b) less  AND  less

Se usa con sustantivos y adjetivos innumerables.
He needs less and less money everyday.

2. Comparativas dobles
Las comparaciones dobles describen un proceso de causa y efecto. Además, se escriben como una oración con una coma que separa la causa y el efecto. La estructura para usarlos es la siguiente:
     [la + forma comparativa] + (sujeto) + (verbo), [la + forma comparativa] + (sujeto) + (verbo)]

The more education women get, the later they marry.

The less children studied, the more slowly they learned.

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Verbs  whit stative and dynamic uses Stative verbs Los verbos estativos tienen una duración indefinida. ellos denotan estados en lu...